June 2018 Update

Hello Friends, 

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so I figured why not go all out and make you a video to show you some of the things that I’ve been up to since my last newsletter instead of trying to summarize it in words. I hope that you enjoy the video, but before that I want to say THANK YOU! Without you, my partners on this Journey In Missions, I wouldn’t be here equipping students and partnering with leaders so that together we can impact the world for Christ. I have no doubt that this is where I am supposed to be, that this is the season that God meant for me to be here serving, and that you are meant to join in this ministry with me however that looks for you, whether through praying, giving, and/or advocating. 

Exit University Group
One of my primary areas of ministry here is serving with Exit University Group at Riverside Church. Over the semester we saw incredible growth not only in numbers but in lives. As we began to see a steady increase in students it became apparent that it was time to take a fresh look at our vision for the group and consequently our branding. With the input of our leadership team, I had the privilege of taking on the task to work up a mission statement that would stand as our reminder of why we do what we do and then to create a fresh logo that reflected that mission. In mid-April we launched our new mission statement, Facebook page, and website so that we could better reach students in our area.Our mission statement:EXIT group exists to equip university students to EXIT THE STATUS QUO, embrace cultural diversity and pursue a life set apart through a relationship with Jesus Christ as modelled in 1 Peter 2:9, “But you are not like that, for you are a chosen people. You are royal priests, a holy nation, God’s very own possession. As a result, you can show others the goodness of God, for he called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light.” We do this through spending time together in worship, discipleship, & building real friendship because we believe that together we can “Exit the status quo” and impact the world for Christ.With a clearer target we continued to grow through the semester seeing about a 40% increase in attendance.The nature of an English-speaking international university group means that students are constantly coming and going, in fact this semester we have 12 students who have left or will be leaving us to return to their home countries, but this also provides a distinct opportunity to impact not only Budapest, but the many countries that our students represent. My prayer (and I hope yours as well) is that as they return to their home countries, they return with their new or renewed faith better equipped to reach out to their community and impact the world for Christ.
Praise & Prayer
Praise Reports
As of this week I am a legal resident of Hungary until 2020.
At least two of our students made a decision for Christ this semester. 
We are in a season of growth! We have seen about a 40% increase in attendance at Riverside Church
Prayer Requests
Pray for our students who will return to their home countries that they would continue to grow in faith and in life as they adjust to life back home. 
Pray for those who made a decision for Christ that the word takes root in their lives that they would grow and produce fruit. 
Pray for continued discipleship opportunities throughout the summer. 

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